Password Protected Directories
Understand more about password-protected directories as well as what they bring to your site.
A password-protected directory is a folder which cannot be accessed unless the right login details are offered. This could be an entire Internet site or just one page that is in a subfolder. If you try to open this type of a directory, you'll see a web browser pop-up in which you will need to enter a username and also a password. If you enter the appropriate ones, you will be able to continue browsing the content without needing to do anything else. If the login credentials are not accurate, however, you will see information that you aren't authorized to view the content. In case this option is enabled, you won't be able to open a file even though you may have a direct link. The option is quite practical if you wish to restrict the access to some content or if you work on a website and you do not want visitors to be able to access it prior to it being ready.
Password Protected Directories in Website Hosting
If you use any of our
website hosting products, you can set up password-protected areas with ease even if you have no experience with this sort of matters. We've integrated an incredibly easy-to-use point-and-click tool within the Hepsia Control Panel, which comes with all accounts, so you'll be able to shield any folder within merely seconds. You will have to choose a domain or a subdomain and the particular folder that has to be protected (the primary one or a subfolder), and then to type in the username and password that'll be used to access the folder in question at some point. Any secured folder will have a padlock icon within the File Manager section, so you'll be able to see easily what content is secured and what's not. When necessary, you can create several different sets of login credentials for exactly the same folder.
Password Protected Directories in Semi-dedicated Hosting
Securing any folder with a password will be easy if you host your Internet sites within a semi-dedicated server account with us. A user-friendly tool, that is built into the Hepsia CP, will permit you to select the specific folder that you want to protect with a couple of mouse clicks and all you'll have to input shall be the username and the password which will be used to access it later. You'll not experience any issues even if you haven't had a website hosting account before, due to the fact that you do not need any previous knowledge or programming skills to enable the feature. If you repeat the same basic steps, you'll be able to create numerous usernames for the same password-protected area, so a number of people shall be able to access a given folder with their own login credentials. You'll be able to see the secured folders at a glance either in exactly the same section of the Control Panel or in the File Manager section where you'll detect them by their small padlock icons.